12613 James Street Ste 10 Holland MI 49424 US
The Lornic Design HE Hog Singers utilize the Lornic Design Exclusive HE singer nozzle which results in a superior singe with reduced gas consumption relative to any other hog singer on the market. The singer operates in 3 "zones", a set of vertical nozzles on the inlet and outlet, and a set of horizontal nozzles in the middle of the singer. All 3 zones are individually controlled for flame intensity and can be turned off when not needed. Included is the singer cabinet assembly, fuel safety train, and complete electric controls.
If needed, a venturi draft inducer fan / system can be added to the existing stack to assure proper drafting of the exhaust gases.
With over 20 years of experience designing, installing, servicing, and upgrading hog singers, Lornic Design is your best source for replacement parts and accessories. We can design and specify everything from the simplest replacement pressure switch to a complete flame safety system. We know and understand the environment that the equipment must survive, and have extensive experience with a variety of manufacturers to provide the best, most reliable equipment and the least total operating cost.